Kicking It with the Elite: The Untold Story of Karate’s Blue-Blooded Beginnings!

Karate is a martial art that originated in Okinawa, Japan. However, there is a myth that the founders of Karate were farmers or people from lower social classes. In this article, we will debunk this myth and explore the true origins of Karate. So, buckle up, get ready for an adventure through time, and let’s explore the true origins of Karate! I’ll try to keep it simple, but if you want to read more, I can suggest some of the books you can find by following the link below!

The Myth of Farmers and Lower Class Founders

Karate’s origin story is shrouded in mystery, and one of the most popular myths is that Karate was founded by peasants, farmers or people from lower social classes. This myth was propagated by the idea that Karate was initially taught to the common people of Okinawa and not the aristocracy. However, this was simply not the case!

The Okinawan Aristocracy

To understand the true origins of Karate, we need to understand the Okinawan aristocracy. The Okinawan aristocracy was made up of a small group of powerful families who held significant political and economic power in Okinawa. These families were the rulers of the Ryukyu Kingdom, and their members were part of the royal family.

The Founders of Karate

Now that we understand the Okinawan aristocracy, let’s explore some of the founders of Karate. Let’s start with Funakoshi Gichin a.k.a. “the Father of Modern Karate”, who was born in 1868. Funakoshi was a member of the Okinawan aristocracy and was trained in the art of Karate by the top Karate masters of his time. These included Anko Itosu, Matsumura Sokon, Anko Asato, and so on…

Another founder of Karate was Chojun Miyagi, who was born in 1888. Miyagi was also a member of the Okinawan aristocracy and was trained in Karate by some of the same Karate masters who taught Funakoshi.

The Truth Behind the Myth

So, why was Karate initially taught to the common people of Okinawa and not the aristocracy? The answer lies in the political climate of Okinawa at the time. Okinawa was under the rule of Japan, and the Japanese authorities had banned the use of weapons in Okinawa. As a result, the Okinawans needed a way to defend themselves, and Karate became their go-to martial art.

The Evolution of Karate

Karate evolved over time and was heavily influenced by Chinese martial arts. The Okinawan aristocracy played a significant role in the evolution of Karate, and many Karate styles were named after the aristocratic families who founded them.

Karate Today

Today, Karate is a popular martial art practiced all over the world. It has many different styles, and each style has its own unique techniques and philosophies. However, the roots of Karate can be traced back to the Okinawan aristocracy and the founders of Karate, who were members of this elite group.


The myth that the founders of Karate were farmers or people from lower social classes is just that, a myth. The true origins of Karate can be traced back to the Okinawan aristocracy, which was made up of powerful families who held significant political and economic power in Okinawa. Karate was initially taught to the common people of Okinawa because they needed a way to defend themselves after the Japanese authorities banned the use of weapons in Okinawa. Today, Karate is a popular martial art practiced all over the world, and its roots are firmly planted in the history of Okinawa and the Okinawan aristocracy. So, whether you’re a boeren or a member of the aristocracy, you too can practice Karate and learn to defend yourself in style.


What is Karate?

Karate is a martial art that originated in Okinawa, Japan

Is it true that the founders of Karate were boeren or people from lower social classes?

No, this is just a myth. The founders of Karate were members of the Okinawan aristocracy, which was made up of powerful families who held significant political and economic power in Okinawa.

How did Karate become popular among common people?

Karate became popular among common people in Okinawa because the Japanese authorities had banned the use of weapons in Okinawa. As a result, the Okinawans needed a way to defend themselves, and Karate became their go-to martial art.

Who were some of the founders of Karate?

Some of the founders of Karate include Funakoshi Gichin and Chojun Miyagi, who were both members of the Okinawan aristocracy and trained in Karate by the top Karate masters of their time.

What is the significance of the Okinawan aristocracy in the history of Karate?

The Okinawan aristocracy played a significant role in the evolution of Karate, and many Karate styles were named after the aristocratic families who founded them. The aristocracy’s influence on Karate can be seen in the techniques, philosophies, and culture of the martial art.

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